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Natacha Nisic

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Born in 1967, lives and works in Malakoff. Disappearance is a crucial theme for Nisic. Through research and interviews, she collects fragments of lost memories and muted voices from historical events. Using various mediums such as Super 8 and 16mm film, video, photography and drawing to interrogate the nature of image, Nisic’s works connect history to our own contemporaneity. She presented solo exhibition “Echo” at the Jeu de Paume in Paris (2013). She has exhibited her work in numerous institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Tokyo (2010), K21-Kunstsammlung Nordrhein Westfalen in Düsseldorf (2009), Centre Pompidou, Paris (2011), the Fondation Hermès (2014) and “Neriri Kiruru Harara” Media City Biennale (2016) in Seoul. She has been selected in Villa Medici in Italy (2007) and Villa Kujoyama in Japan (2001 and 2016).

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.