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Cao Fei

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Born in 1978, lives and works in Beijing. A multimedia artist who works across several media including video, installation, and performance art. Her works explore the poetic drama of contemporary China and rediscover the conventional aesthetic of daily life. In Cao’s video works, the soundtracks, editing rhythms and images themselves are essential for interpreting her cultural memories of the era; a time when China had just opened her door to the world. Her previous works have been exhibited in numerous international biennales including the Biennale of Sydney (2006 and 2010), Moscow Biennale (2005), Shanghai Biennale (2004), Istanbul Biennale (2007) and Venice Biennale (2003, 2007 and 2015). She has also exhibited video works in Tate Modern, Guggenheim Museum, the International Center of Photography, MoMA and MoMA P.S.1 in New York, Centre Pompidou and Palais de Tokyo in Paris, among others.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.