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Yelena Vorobyova

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Image courtesy: Yelena Vorobyova

Yelena Vorobyeva is a Kazakh conceptual artist who works mainly with her partner Viktor Vorobyov as an artistic duo since the 1990s. Their usage of different genres and techniques results in multi-layered, often ironic, works focusing on post-Soviet realities of constant change, disorientation and their effects on everyday life. The artists have been compiling a precise record of the ephemeral and quotidian details of daily life. They do so in series, sorting images according to their typology. While seemingly insignificant, these details (of objects, colours and customs) are integral to the creation of the new symbols of power and serve as poignant social metaphors.

Vorobyeva has held solo exhibitions in Milchstrassen Gallery, Munich (2000), Open House Oberwart, Austria (1999), and Soros Centers for Contemporary Art, Almaty (1996). Group exhibitions featuring her collaborative projects with Viktor Vorobyev include Human Condition Session V: Teleology of the Human . Biography , Destiny , Hope , Faith . Biography: a Model Kit  exhibition at MMOMA, Moscow (2019), The Missing Planet  at Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci,Prato (2019), Focus Kazakhstan – Eurasian Utopia: Post Scriptum at Suwon I’Park Museum of Art, Suwon (2018), Phantom Stories: Leitmotifs of Post-Soviet Asia , Lunds Konsthall, Lund (2018) and others.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!