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Yang Yeung (CA Research Group)

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Image courtesy: Yang Yeung

Yang Yeung is a writer on art and an independent curator. She devotes herself to following how artists think, move and make sense of the world. She founded the non-profit soundpocket in 2008 and is currently its Artistic Director. She was co-curator for The Listening Biennial (2021). Her recent publications include ‘What Good is This?’ for After Hope at The Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, ‘caring is a quality: on being touched by Alecia Neo’s Care Index’ for Dance Nucleus, Singapore, an exhibition essay for Francis Alÿs’ Wet feet __ dry feet: borders and games at Taikwun Contemporary, Hong Kong, a review of Sumei Tse’s practice in the Journal of Taipei Fine Art Museum, and a review of Hong Kong-based artist Kwok-hin Tang’s practice in Yishu.

She currently teaches General Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She was Asian Cultural Council fellow (2013-14) and resident writer at Contemporary Art Stavanger, Norway (2019). She is also a member of the International Research Network Institute for Public Art, the independent art critics collective Art Appraisal Club (HK), and the International Art Critics Association (HK).

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!