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Kathleen L Wyma

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Kathleen L Wyma is an art historian and independent curator who specialises in global modern and contemporary art with a special research interest in India. Wyma completed her PhD in 2007 at the University of British Columbia (Canada) with a thesis entitled The Discourse and Practice of Radicalism in Contemporary Indian Art 1960-1990. She regularly contributes articles and exhibition catalogues on Indian contemporary art, most recent publications include: “Poetics and Procrustean Possibilities,” Zakkir Hussain: The Procrustean Bed (Mumbai: Guild Art Gallery, 2017) and “Photography at the Edge of Representation: Rethinking Photographs of Rural India,” in Photography in India: From Archives to Contemporary Practice, eds., Aileen Blaney and Chinar Shah (Delhi: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018) and “Constructing the Eco-dimensions of Intangible Heritage,” Arunkumar HG: CON-struction (Delhi: Gallery Espace, 2018). Wyma currently teaches a range of courses in the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Hong Kong.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!