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Hon Lai Chu

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Hon Lai Chu is the author of the short story collections Darkness under the Sun and Homecoming, and novels such as Body Seam, Empty Face, Lost Caves, The Border of Centrifugation, Body-sewing, Grey Flower, Kite Family, The Water Pipe Forest, Silent Creature and Hard Copies. Her novel Kite Family was one of the 2008’s Books of the Year by China Times in Taiwan, selected as Top 10 Chinese Novels World-wide for the year 2008 and 2009 respectively, and won the New Writer’s Novella first prize from Taiwan’s Unitas Literary Association, and her novel Grey Flower was a Honorable Mention in Third Annual Dream of Red Mansions Literary Awards. Her accolades also include the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Artist of the Year, Hong Kong Book Prize, Hong Kong Biennial Award for Chinese Literature (Fiction).

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