Errol van de Werdt
Errol van de Werdt was until recently director of the TextielMuseum & TextielLab and the Mommerskwartier Foundation in Tilburg, the Netherlands. He is working internationally as an independent curator, critic and consultant.
He was educated in museology (BA) (Leiden), art history and archeology (drs. MA) (Amsterdam) and People Management (BA) (Zwolle). Currently he is attending the Dutch Academy for Diplomatic Practice in International Relations at the Clingendael Institute in The Hague. Errol van de Werdt is interested in crossovers between different art disciplines such as design, art, fashion and architecture.
He is a member of the board of directors of the Museum Register Netherlands, a member of the Scientific Board of the Museum of Fashion in Antwerp (MoMu) and member of the advisory board of CHAT (Centre of Heritage Arts and Textiles) in Hong Kong. He has been publishing on museology topics, material culture, and contemporary art and design.

Image courtesy: Errol Van de Werdt
Kennie Ting
Kennie Ting is the Director of the Asian Civilisations Museum and the Peranakan Museum. He has overseen the shift in the museum’s curatorial approach from a geographical focus to a thematic, cross-cultural focus, and from an ethnographic focus to a focus on aesthetics, craft and design. He has helmed exhibitions on the arts of Myanmar, Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia and Japan, and on the material culture of cosmopolitan Asian port cities. Most recently, ACM under his direction has presented exhibitions and experimental showcases on contemporary fashion and photography, spotlighting Asian masters such as Andrew Gn, Russel Wong, Guo Pei and BINhouse, and in strong partnership with the Singaporean fashion community and industry. He is interested in the history of travel and the heritage of Asian port cities and is the author of the books, The Romance of the Grand Tour – 100 Years of Travel in South East Asia, Singapore Chronicles: HERITAGE and Singapore 1819 – A Living Legacy.

Image courtesy: Kennie Ting