Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo
BUAISOU is a renowned Tokushima-based collective working with Japanese natural indigo, acknowledged especially for their farm-to-closet practices and expansive collaboration with contemporary designers, artists and international brands.
Published to accompany the first major exhibition of their works Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo organised by CHAT, this richly illustrated catalogue features a documentation of the exhibited works and essays by co-curators Sudo Reiko and Takahashi Mizuki. Thoughtfully captured footages showing BUAISOU’s entire making process narrated by their co-founder Kaji Kakuo as well as an exhibition documentary video are also exclusively presented. By viewing the diversity in the collective’s works and their behind-the-scene process, from indigo cultivation to the different tools at their self-renovated studio, this catalogue sheds light on BUAISOU’s innovative spirit and their dedication in the pursuit of the beautiful and unique absolute blue.
Related Exhibition
Exhibition | Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo
CHAT Shop:
CHAT Shop: Shop G01A , The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan