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Li Zhiqian and Liu Yi, Fibre, 2021
Image courtesy: Li Zhiqian and Liu Yi

Weaving Text, Writing Textile: Typography as Medium

Deposit $50|RSVP for the onsite event
Click here to register for Zoom webinar

The history of text and textile are woven together.

From the reimagination of typeface to spatial design and its related cultural ideologies, 4 contemporary artists and designers, Liu Yi (Hangzhou), Li Zhiqian (Shanghai), Adonian Chan and Julius Hui will share their journeys of research and creative practices rooted in typography and visual language.

With a highlight of a sharing of the creative process of their latest works, commissioned by CHAT that re-connect the type design and the history of typography with textile, the conversation will explore the historical development of textiles and fabrics through design and visual art, aiming to unfold the diverse possibilities and cultural connotations of the two. Moderated by veteran textile catalyst Edith Cheung, the discussion will be concluded by a dynamic discussion with a Q&A session.

Language: Mandarin and Cantonese (with English interpretation)


Adonian Chan Freeman
Li Zhiqian
Liu Yi
Julius Hui
Edith Cheung






CHAT Lounge/ Zoom

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!