Ticket $50 | RSVP
This show-and-tell introduces you to diverse aspects of contemporary dance costumes, including their sensory experience, practical considerations, design process, documentation and archiving. The event is an extension of the special display Misfitted: Unspoken Stories of Tailoring.
The main speaker, Linda Lee, is the former Wardrobe Manager of City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC). For over three decades, she collaborated with dancers, designers and choreographers to produce unique dance costumes. The session is moderated by Dong Yan (Dong Xianliang), a researcher and theatre practitioner focusing on documenting the history of contemporary dance in Hong Kong. He has conducted extensive interviews with Lee and in-depth research on case studies of CCDC.
The event welcomes anyone with an interest in performance, archives and costume design.
Language: Cantonese with simple English interpretation