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Online Patchwork

Tickets $90|RSVP

Join us and learn how to repurpose fabric swatches to create your very own patchwork!

In 2016, CHAT’s Artist-in-Residence Taguchi Yukihiro developed his artwork Patch Pass – Umbrella, a piece that recycles umbrella fabrics to create a patchworked canopy, which is now part of this season’s exhibition Sight Unseen – Forking Paths in the CHAT Collection. Inspired by this work, this beginner level online stitching tutorial teaches participants the basics of patchworking.

CHAT’s experienced Textile Programmes team will guide this series of weekly online workshops which encourages participants to take part in a communal piece at the end of the season.

Zoom meeting ID will be shared with registered participants via a reminder email. Kindly download the Zoom app on your device prior to the start of the session.

Other materials to be prepared by participants: A pair of sharp scissors, pencils, a ruler, and any other fabric to include into the patchwork

Materials: Participants will receive a DIY material pack which includes pre-cut pieces of fabric, needles and thread 2-3 days before the workshop

Experience Level: Suitable for participants aged 8 or above. No previous experience needed.


27.08-24.09.2020 (Every Thursday)




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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!