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Image courtesy: BUAISOU; Photo: Nishimoto Kyoko

BUAISOU Internship Programme 2023

Application Deadline: 14.10.2022

Applications are open for the BUAISOU Internship Programme 2023, which will take place in Tokushima in Japan during the 2023 summer period!

The exclusive 3-month internship programme follows the Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo exhibition presented in CHAT’s Winter Programme 2022. The successful candidates will join BUAISOU in their studio and farm in Tokushima and experience their unique farm-to-closet practices, from farming and harvesting indigo to learning about fermentation and dyeing techniques.

4 shortlisted candidates will be invited to join the Master Class: BUAISOU Intermediate Indigo Workshop as participants as part of the audition process. Two candidates will be selected for the internship programme.

Open to application from Hong Kong residents, applicants are required to possess substantial knowledge in indigo dyeing, show great passion for the craft, be independent and are dedicated to learning about Japanese indigo farming traditions. The internship will require proficiency in Japanese or English and involve outdoor work. An international driving permit is also recommended.

Closing date for the internship is 14 October. Please refer to this document for application details.



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CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!