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Errol van de Werdt

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(Director CEO, Textielmuseum, Netherlands)

Errol van de Werdt, Director CEO, Textielmuseum, Netherlands, was educated in different cities in the Netherlands-leiden, Amsterdam, Groningen and Zwolle. He received a bachelor degree in Museology from the Reinwardt Academy in leiden and a master degree in Art History and Archeology in Amsterdam. In 2000 Errol became director of collections and research in Utrecht Centraal Museum. Recently he started as General Director of the TextielMuseum and TextileLab and is now General Director (CEO) of the Mommers Heritage Foundation which includes, beside the TextielMuseum and TextielLab, the regional archives, the Local History Museum, and Vincent Drawing School. The TextielMuseum includes a research Laboratory and an international Textiles Trainee program to give talented students from all over the world the opportunity to do research, study and develop textiles prototypes or autonomous works. At the TextielMuseum research, study and exhibitions place much emphasis on crossovers between the different disciplines such as design, art, fashion and architecture.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.