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Image courtesy: Adonian Chan

Adonian Chan

Hong Kong type designer, graphic designer and musician. Born in 1986 in Hong Kong, Chan graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2009 and co-founded Trilingua Design with Chris Tsui in 2010. In 2018, Chan published the book A Study on Hong Kong Beiwei Calligraphy & Type Design, which documented the 8 years of research on Hong Kong Beiwei, as well as his type design of Hong Kong Beiwei Zansyu. The book has won the Grand Award and the Distinguished […]

Image courtesy of the collaborator


H.U.G. is a ukulele group under the ‘Say No To Drugs – Path Builders for Youth’ Project, co-organised by TWGHs CROSS Centre and Rotary Club of Admiralty. It is formed by a group of music-loving drug rehabilitees and mentors.

Unlock Dancing Plaza

Unlock Dancing Plaza is a contemporary dance company founded in 2002, with Ong Yong Lock as Artistic Director and Joseph Lee as Associate Artistic Director (having joined in 2020). Through their productions, they commit to pursuing innovative breakthroughs and theatrical liberation. In recent years, the company re-examines dance from the perspective of the individual. Defining dance through the uniqueness of the individual body and detaching from the institutionalised aesthetics of dance, Unlock firmly believes in the notion of ‘Everyone can […]

Image courtesy: Hyun Seewon

Hyun Seewon

Hyun Seewon is a curator and writer based in Seoul, South Korea. Since 2013, she has been running the Audio Visual Pavilion, an exhibition space located in Seoul. After studying art history and Korean literature at Ewha Womans University, she received her MA in Art History from Korea National University of Arts with a thesis on post-Minjoong (post-People’s Art movement) which was vital to the Korean art scene in the 1980s. Hyun has published several books on contemporary art and […]

#1 About CHAT

中文版本  mill6chat · Audio Guide About CHAT With Lounge Eng VO

Lam Kwok Shing

Born in 1949, Lam Kwok Shing is the owner and in-house photographer of Sammy Photo Studio, an old-style photo studio located in Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong. Lam began his career as a young apprentice in the 1970s, working as a dark room technician for the studio, previously called Jim Jim. In 1996, Lam took over the studio and renamed it. The studio continues to photograph portraits in film. Image courtesy of the speaker

Image courtesy of the collaborator

Grassroots Future

Grassroots Future is a non-profit organisation based in Hong Kong that works to build capacity among refugees in this city and to support the development of refugee-led initiatives.  Through well-being programs, education, community outreach and investing in the future (children’s education), they build capacity of the local refugee-led initiatives and grassroots organisations, and co-create events and projects with them. By doing so, Grassroots Future hopes to provide access to resources and give platforms to undiscovered talents to develop their skills […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.