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Image courtesy: Yang Hao

Yang Hao

Yang Hao was born in Chongqing and is currently based in Hong Kong. He underwent dance training in Beijing between age 12-16. He has performed for companies such as The Chinese National Opera and Theatre Dance Troupe, Guangdong Modern Dance Company, etc. He has received a full scholarship to study at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art (BFA) in 2007, and joined the City Contemporary Dance Company as dancer from 2009-12. He has been commissioned and showed his works […]

Image courtesy: Edmund Leung

The Interzone Collective

The Interzone Collective was formed in September 2014 by a group of performers from different disciplines. The name Interzone was taken from a mythical place describe in the novel Naked Lunch written by William S Burrough. It is a place where minds can merge and the patrons of coffee shops writes without inhibition. The Interzone Collective explores creativity this way through music, movement and text. Performance is recognised but it is not the main goal. It is about enhancing creative […]

Chu Chun-Teng

Chu Chun-Teng was born in 1982, Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated from the Department of Film at Shih Hsin University in Taipei, Taiwan in 2006, and in 2010, completed his MFA in Fine Art at Goldsmiths, University of London, in the UK. Chu Chun-Teng made a number of feature films and was selected in international film festivals while he was still a university student. Upon receiving his BA film degree, he shifted his focus towards fine art and worked on film, […]

Image courtesy: Guo Cheng

Guo Cheng

Guo Cheng is an artist currently living and working in Shanghai. His practice mainly focuses on exploring the mutual impacts and influences between established/emerging technologies and individuals in the context of culture and social life. In recent years, his practice has dealt with themes such as the Anthropocene and second nature, digitised interobjectivity and the ideologies behind various infrastructures. His works are often presented in the form of sculptures/installations and use humorous yet frosty language to link grand issues with […]

Image courtesy: BCXSY


BCXSY is an Amsterdam-based interdisciplinary cooperative between designers Boaz Cohen (Israel, 1978) and Sayaka Yamamoto (Japan, 1984). Established in early 2007, BCXSY continues to carry out a wide range of projects, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Its narrative-based works are characterised by an emphasis on personal experience, human interaction and emotional awareness. Over the past years, BCXSY has gained international recognition for its dedication to socially responsive projects. Its award-winning works have been featured at and collected by Victoria […]

Image courtesy: Park Chanshin

Park Chanshin

Park Chanshin is a graphic designer and artist. He studied typography and visual communication in Korea and the UK. With his interest in type, tools and communication, he curated the Kaleidoscope section at Typojanchi: Seoul International Typography Biennale in 2019 and directed A Footnote Play in 2019 in collaboration with Zuckgeuk. He currently works in Paju Typography Institute (PaTI) as the director of Type Media Centre, designing curriculum for PaTI and leading postgraduate courses. 

Image courtesy: Choi Moonkyung

Choi Moonkyung

Choi Moonkyung is a graphic designer and artist with an interest in the visual images obtained from manual processes. She has shown in solo exhibitions such as Oncetype at, Berlin (2020), Gutenberg Bubble at Factory2, Seoul (2018) and several group exhibitions such as Typojanchi at Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul (2019) and Art+Work at White Block Art Center, Paju (2018). She currently teaches at Paju Typography Institute (PaTI) and is a board member of Korean Society of Typography.

Image courtesy: Ahn Sangsoo

Ahn Sangsoo

Ahn Sangsoo (also known as Nalgae) is a graphic designer and typographer who founded PaTI (Paju Typography Institute) in 2012. He is a former faculty member of the Communication Design Department at Hongik University, Seoul and currently works as a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China.


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.