Academic, Vienna Sri ‘Jani’ Kuhnt-Saptodewo is an academic born in Jakarta who has written numerous books based on her research findings and interest on themes of interculturality and performing arts. Kuhnt-Saptodewo earned a MA in German Literature in 1983 and later graduated in Culture Anthropology from the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich with a PhD in 1993. Since then, she has worked and taught at various institutions, including the prestigious Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna, where she served as the Head of Collection […]

Artist and Co-Founder, Cemeti Institute for Art and Society, Yogyakarta Mella Jaarsma has become known for her complex costume installations and her focus on forms of cultural and racial diversity embedded within clothing, the body and food. She was born in the Netherlands in 1960 and studied visual art at Minerva Academy in Groningen (1978-1984), after which she left the Netherlands to study at the Art Institute of Jakarta (1984) and at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts in Yogyakarta […]

Curator, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow Iaroslav Volovod was born in Murmansk and is now based in Moscow, where he serves as a curator at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. He graduated from the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg State University and received a master’s degree in curatorial studies from a joint program shared between Bard College, New York, and St. Petersburg State University. He has received training from the Central Institute of Hindi, New Delhi, and Heidelberg […]

Senior Curator and Head of the Costume and Textiles Department, LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art), Los Angeles Sharon S Takeda is Senior Curator and Head of the Costume and Textiles Department at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Her major exhibitions include Reigning Men: Fashion in Menswear, 1715-2015; Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail, 1700-1915; Miracles and Mischief: Noh and Kyōgen Theater in Japan; and When Art Became Fashion: Kosode in Edo-Period Japan. The Costume Society of […]

Design Director, Nuno Corporation, Tokyo Sudo Reiko is the Design Director of Nuno Corporation of Tokyo, an innovative textile company in Tokyo, Japan. Nuno is internationally known for interweaving traditional techniques and aesthetics with new technologies. Experimenting with various materials from silk to metal, Sudo has been concerned with the recycling and upcycling of textiles and the environmental effect of textile production. She has participated in numerous group shows worldwide and has been the focus of exhibitions in Japan, Iceland, […]

Having an extensive experience in the international fashion industry, Cristina Kountiou has involved in developing branding, managing design teams and forecasting trends. She was involved in setting up and building a sustainable fashion label, Puer. She is currently the Professor of Fashion, Fashion Marketing and Management at The Savannah College of Art and Design (Hong Kong), and works as a freelance designer and brand consultant.

Kathleen L Wyma is an art historian and independent curator who specialises in global modern and contemporary art with a special research interest in India. Wyma completed her PhD in 2007 at the University of British Columbia (Canada) with a thesis entitled The Discourse and Practice of Radicalism in Contemporary Indian Art 1960-1990. She regularly contributes articles and exhibition catalogues on Indian contemporary art, most recent publications include: “Poetics and Procrustean Possibilities,” Zakkir Hussain: The Procrustean Bed (Mumbai: Guild Art […]

Venera Khalikova, Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is an anthropologist who does research about traditional medicine, food, nationalism and gender in India and the Himalayas. Khalikova holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Prior to the doctoral program, she had completed an MA in anthropology in India and a bachelor’s program in anthropology in Russia. In addition to academic publications in English and Russian, Khalikova also writes online posts for Cultural […]

Giants Tie Dye was founded in 2014 by tie dye artists Siu from Hong Kong and Josh from Taiwan. Since then, they have travelled to Taiwan, Japan, Yunnan and other places to learn the art of dyeing, and are now specialised in tie dye. Their one-of-a-kind dyed fabrics, art installations and workshops have taken them to different places around the world and allowed them to present at dyeing exhibitions and collaborate with various companies and brands.

Founded in 2008, O-Veg is a local organic vegetarian restaurant operating only on weekends. In serving simple vegetarian dishes in a rural setting, they hope to increase the public’s interest in vegetarian cuisine. By renting a farmland next to the restaurant which enables farm-to-table and human-and-nature experience, they hope to inspire reflections on food origins and the importance of local farm produce.