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Yuk Hui

Yuk Hui wrote his PhD thesis at Goldsmiths College under the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020), and obtained his Habilitation in philosophy from Leuphana University in Germany. He has been teaching in various institutes including Goldsmiths College, Leuphana University, Bauhaus University, Chinese Academy of Art and currently City University of Hong Kong. Hui is a juror of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture since 2020, and convenor of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology since 2014. Hui published […]

Alexander R. Galloway

Alexander R. Galloway is a writer and computer programmer working on issues in philosophy, technology and theories of mediation. Professor of Media Studies at New York University, he is author of several books on digital media and critical theory. He is currently finishing a new manuscript on the deep history of computation, scheduled to be published in autumn 2021. Image courtesy of the speaker

Laura Devendorf

Laura Devendorf is an artist and a researcher who questions relationships between technology and culture by playfully subverting and reinterpreting categorisations of ‘machine’ and ‘body’. Her work presents alternative understandings of technology that draw heavily from feminist techno-science, trading notions of efficiency for engagement, control for humility, and individualism for cooperation and care. Her work takes the form of garments and tapestries with embedded electronics, open-source software and mixed-media systems. Devendorf is an assistant professor in the ATLAS Institute and […]

Rebirth Garments (Sky Cubacub)

Sky Cubacub is a non-binary queer and disabled Filipinx artist from Chicago, Illinois. As a multidisciplinary artist and the creator of Rebirth Garments, they are interested in fulfilling the needs for disabled queer life, with an emphasis on joy, making a line of wearables that challenges mainstream beauty standards through centring queer and disabled people of all sizes, ethnicities, and ages. They are the editor of the Radical Visibility Zine, a magazine for queer and disabled people of all ages […]

Taeyoon Choi

Taeyoon Choi is an artist and educator based in New York and Seoul. He co-founded School for Poetic Computation in 2013, where he organised classes and taught experimental workshops. He is inspired by the poetics in science, technology, society and human relations. He works with computer programming, drawing and writing, in collaboration with fellow artists and community members. He believes in the intersectionalities of art, activism and education. He works with activists and scholars on disability rights, environmental justice and […]


Asinnajaq is the daughter of Carol Rowan and Jobie Weetaluktuk. She is from Inukjuak, Nunavik and lives in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal). Asinnajaq’s work includes filmmaking, writing and curating. She co-created Tilliraniit, a three-day festival celebrating Inuit art and artists. Asinnajaq wrote and directed Three Thousand  (2017), a short sci-fi documentary. She co-curated Isuma’s show in the Canadian pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale. She is a part of the curatorial team for the inaugural exhibition INUA  at the Qaumajuq. Asinnajaq’s work […]

Zainab Aliyu

Zainab Aliyu (‘Zai’) is an artist and cultural worker living in Occupied Lenapehoking (Brooklyn, New York, USA). Her work is about the material affect of the ‘immaterial’. She contextualises the cybernetic and temporal entanglement embedded within societal dynamics to understand how all socio-technological systems of control are interconnected, and how we are all implicated through time. She often dreams, experiments and inquires through built virtual environments, printed matter, video, archives, writing, installation and community-participatory unlearning. Image courtesy of the speaker

Brenda Rodriguez Alegre

Brenda Rodriguez Alegre, PhD in Psychology. Her MA thesis and doctoral dissertation were about transgender women. She is currently among the Board of Directors of STRAP (The Society of Transsexual Women Advocates of the Philippines). Alegre is a Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong where she teaches Sexuality and Gender, with upcoming publications on transgender people’s experiences. As an activist for LGBTQI and women, she has been featured as an expert in TV and radio programs. In 2018, Alegre […]

Rose Luqiu

Dr Luqiu had been a television journalist for 20 years. She has covered many major international events ranging from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Libya and Gaza to the tsunami in Indonesia, the earthquake in Japan and China. She also reported on Chinese political news and interviewed several Chinese leaders. Before moving to academia, she worked as presenter, commentator and executive news editor for the Phoenix Satellite Television in Hong Kong. Dr Luqiu’s book writing and online activities have […]


‘Do we see each other?’ Storychick is a small team of picture-book creators based in Hong Kong. They care about our society and people around them.  Together with people from different backgrounds, they visit different communities, to observe, discuss and appreciate. Through creating picture-books, they rediscover people and things in their community, learn how to respect and understand each other. Photo courtesy: Storychick


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!