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SINSHAN (Shan Hao Xian, Harry)

Out of the crowd, dare to be proud. SINSHAN is the very last generation of colony kid. He completed BA (Hons) Fashion & Textiles Design in PolyU HK and The Swedish School of Textiles. He is a slasher and entrepreneur in fashion industry and beyond. Enthusiastic in yoga, meditation and Voguing. Occasionally he would drop the beat to the party. Image courtesy : Jessie Yip

Harmony ‘Anne-Marie’ Ilunga

Harmony ‘Anne-Marie’ Ilunga is currently a psychology student, a model and is the co-founder of Learning Together. Having experienced discrimination as a model of colour, she founded Harmony HK, a fashion initiative with the quintessential belief to spotlight local ethnic minority talents and challenge the lack of diversity in Hong Kong. Image courtesy : John David Dela Peri

Suhyun Choi

Suhyun Choi is a Korean non-binary third-culture kid. They were born in Hong Kong with Korean parents, lived in South Korea, the Philippines, Canada, and the US. Growing up in different contexts has given them first-hand experiences in understanding the complexity of globalisation, capitalism, colonialism and how the macro affects the micro levels of human ontology and relationships. They are particularly interested in solidarity work amongst BIPOC (especially Queer and Trans) people across borders. Their work in BUFU, a collective […]

Chantal Wong

Chantal Wong is the Director of Culture, Eaton Workshop Hong Kong, a hospitality brand dedicated to shaping a better world. She is the co-founder of charities including Things that can happen (2005-07), an art-space connecting art to its socio-political environment, Learning Together, which creates opportunities for refugee and asylum seekers to access education and career opportunities through scholarships, internships and leadership programmes and Women’s Festival, the only festival in Hong Kong celebrating the experiences of and questioning the definition of […]

KOBAKANT (Satomi Mika and Hannah Perner-Wilson)

Satomi Mika and Hannah Perner-Wilson have been collaborating since 2006, and in 2008 formed the collective KOBAKANT. Together, through their work, they explore the use of textile crafts and electronics as a medium for commenting on technological aspects of today’s ‘high-tech’ society. KOBAKANT believes in the spirit of humour technology, often presenting their work as a twisted criticism of the stereotypes surrounding textile craftsmanship and electrical engineering. KOBAKANT believes that technology exists to be hacked, handmade and modified by everyone […]

Innocent Mutanga

Dedicated to rebranding blackness and sharing an African perspective, especially black consciousness in Asia, Innocent Mutanga launched the Africa Center Hong Kong at the turn of 2019. The platform and creative hub has since gained traction with its on-site programmes seeing around 300 users in a week. The centre runs a range of on-site programmes from African Literature Book Club, Afro art jams, African cooking workshops, etc. In addition, the centre runs off-site cultural competency and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion […]

Amor Munoz

Based and works in Mexico City, Munoz works across textiles, performance, drawing, sound and experimental electronics to explore the relationship between technology and society with a special interest in the interaction between material forms and social discourse. Munoz often invites peripheral communities for creative production of e-textiles, involving local employees and businesses. She was a resident of the 2014 and 2016 programme at Nordic Artists’ Center Dale, Norway, at Kultur Kontakt, Vienna, Austria in 2015, at the Bauhaus Dessau, Germany […]

Mok Chiu Yu

Mok Chiu Yu is a community cultural development worker, people’s theatre worker, performance artist and the founder of The 70’s Biweekly , Asian People’s Theatre Festival Society, Centre For Community Cultural Development (CCCD) and Hong Kong International Deaf Film Festival. He is a writer, translator, part-time lecturer at Lingnan University, independent filmmaker, awardee of Achievement Award in Drama by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 1999, conference organiser (including the World Congress of International Drama/Theatre & Education Association 2007 and […]

Annapurna Mamidipudi

Annapurna Mamidipudi completed her PhD in the study of Science, Technology and Modern Culture at Maastricht University supervised by Wiebe Bijker in 2016. Using concepts from the history of technology as well as traditional Indian music Mamidipudi explored how innovation and creativity in Science and Art follow similar cognitive processes. She co-organised a seminar on Craft and Innovation in Kalakshetra, the premier Music and Dance institution, in Chennai in 2016, and a large conference bringing together more than 500 weavers […]

Rhys (Ophelia Keung and Kadri Keung)

Ophelia Keung Ophelia Keung (Mrs Keung) is CEO and Founder of Rhys. Mrs Keung has over 30 years of experience working in the garment industry. After retirement, Mrs Keung became the primary caretaker of her mother who was housed at an elderly home, the experience led her to realise that garments for the elderly often lack style and utility. She believes that age and body conditions should not limit one’s access to fashion and a sense of dignity. Her experience […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!