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Ji Hye Chung

Ji Hye Chung collaborated with artists from various fields in Korea and Europe through choreography and performance. She is interested in the paradox that appears when conflicting concepts coexist within social and personal issues, and is interested in expanding the range of communication that can be communicated with the work, focusing on movement. In addition, she analyses the reason for the action that the movement makes, and looks into the social waves generated by accumulation in the body. Recent choreography […]

Sasha de Koninck

Sasha de Koninck is a PhD student in the Intermedia, Art, Writing, and Performance programme at the University of Colorado Boulder. She presents her work in the form of multisensory experiences through the research and development of smart textile material for the body that is at the same time intimate, sensitive and loud. Her practice explores how clothing reveals the details and subtleties of our personalities and how life cannot always be explained in words. She believes that as a […]

Ip Man Yi Trada

Trada Ip became interested in knitting as a primary student. She was taught fundamental knitting skills by her Home Economics teacher in secondary school, and continued on self-learning with knitting books. After her blindness, she had no choice but to give up this interest because it was difficult for her to go to the woollen yarn shop. In 2009, with the support of volunteers from an organisation for the visually-impaired, she picked up knitting once again, and even participated in […]

Amy K. S. Chan

Amy K. S. Chan is an Associate Professor at the Department of English and the Director of Centre of Comparative Gender Research at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Chan is a local Hong Kong scholar teaching and doing research in technoscience culture, gender studies, literary studies and science fiction. Her doctoral dissertation is on Cyberfeminism. She is particularly interested in exploring the intersections of Deleuzian philosophy, technoscience culture and Chinese culture and philosophy. She has co-edited World Weavers: Globalization, Science […]

Laura Devendorf

Laura Devendorf is an artist and a researcher who questions relationships between technology and culture by playfully subverting and reinterpreting categorisations of ‘machine’ and ‘body’. Her work presents alternative understandings of technology that draw heavily from feminist techno-science, trading notions of efficiency for engagement, control for humility, and individualism for cooperation and care. Her work takes the form of garments and tapestries with embedded electronics, open-source software and mixed-media systems. Devendorf is an assistant professor in the ATLAS Institute and […]

Amor Munoz

Based and works in Mexico City, Munoz works across textiles, performance, drawing, sound and experimental electronics to explore the relationship between technology and society with a special interest in the interaction between material forms and social discourse. Munoz often invites peripheral communities for creative production of e-textiles, involving local employees and businesses. She was a resident of the 2014 and 2016 programme at Nordic Artists’ Center Dale, Norway, at Kultur Kontakt, Vienna, Austria in 2015, at the Bauhaus Dessau, Germany […]

KOBAKANT (Satomi Mika and Hannah Perner-Wilson)

Satomi Mika and Hannah Perner-Wilson have been collaborating since 2006, and in 2008 formed the collective KOBAKANT. Together, through their work, they explore the use of textile crafts and electronics as a medium for commenting on technological aspects of today’s ‘high-tech’ society. KOBAKANT believes in the spirit of humour technology, often presenting their work as a twisted criticism of the stereotypes surrounding textile craftsmanship and electrical engineering. KOBAKANT believes that technology exists to be hacked, handmade and modified by everyone […]

Po Leung Kuk Anita L.L. Chan (Centenary) School

Po Leung Kuk Anita L.L. Chan (Centenary) School is Hong Kong’s first special school funded by the Education Bureau for pupils with moderate-grade mental deficiency. The school was established in 1978, and its main target group is children aged 6 to 18 with special learning needs. In 2018, the new school premise was officially completed, and Po Leung Kuk Anita L.L. Chan (Centenary) School was relocated from Choi Wan Estate’s former site to 15 Chi Kiang Street, To Kwa Wan, […]

Christine Sun Kim

Berlin-based artist Christine Sun Kim is known for her experimental practices that question the concept of sound through her performances, textual drawings and paintings. Integrating information systems such as music notation, body language and American Sign Language (ASL) into her practice, she composes her own playful artistic grammar for communication, exploring the intersection between the semiology of ASL and sounds. She has been invited to exhibit and perform by prominent art institutions and biennales including the Whitney Museum of Art, […]


Asinnajaq is the daughter of Carol Rowan and Jobie Weetaluktuk. She is from Inukjuak, Nunavik and lives in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal). Asinnajaq’s work includes filmmaking, writing and curating. She co-created Tilliraniit, a three-day festival celebrating Inuit art and artists. Asinnajaq wrote and directed Three Thousand  (2017), a short sci-fi documentary. She co-curated Isuma’s show in the Canadian pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale. She is a part of the curatorial team for the inaugural exhibition INUA  at the Qaumajuq. Asinnajaq’s work […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!