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Makie Chang (Makie Mori)

Makie Chang is an indigo artist born and based in Hong Kong. She studied Textile and Fashion Design in Hong Kong Polytechnic University and her original indigo art was selected as a finalist in YDC (Young Fashion Designers’ Contest) in 2017. Chang believes in the natural, organic creation of art and appreciates imperfections by embracing Wabi Sabi aesthetics. Having established her personal brand Makie Mori, she hopes to bring indigo into people’s life. Image courtesy of the collaborator

#2 Welcome to the Spinning Factory!

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Lilit Marcus

Lilit Marcus is an American journalist currently based in Hong Kong. She is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) who was raised to be bilingual in American Sign Language and in English. Her reporting on Deaf communities and topics has appeared in CNN, The Atlantic , the Wall Street Journal , Condé Nast Traveler , Buzzfeed, and more. Image courtesy of collaborator

Zephyrus Tsang

Zephyrus Tsang (he/him) is a gay transgender man based in Hong Kong. He is the vice chairperson of the local transgender youth organisation Quarks. Quarks aims at providing peer support for the younger generation of the transgender community, and promoting their visibility to the general public. Zephyrus is also a doctor currently working in local public hospitals. He is a steering committee member of Hong Kong LGBT Medical Society, which encourages LGBT+ diversity and inclusion among healthcare professionals, and promotes […]

Arthur Thompson

Arthur Lewis Thompson is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on how people learn and use imitation in spoken language and visual language (sign languages, hand gestures) to depict the world around us. He obtained his PhD in Linguistics at the University of Hong Kong and his MPhil at the University of Cambridge. He is an active member of Write or Die, a writing collective on Lamma, […]

Stephanie Teng

Stephanie Teng is a photographer born and raised in Hong Kong. She received her BA in Psychology with a minor in Fine Arts from Scripps College, California.  Her work is shaped by her fascination with the human condition – she sees photography as a metaphor for life, an infinite cycle of attempts at self-exploration. By capturing the subconscious vulnerabilities of the psyche and fleeting moments lost to the effluence of life, her creative approach carries a sensitivity to the many […]

Karen Yiu

Karen Yiu started her career as a registered social worker with a strong interest in art and design. After graduating from London College of Fashion in 2005, she began to explore her passion and creative talent with various projects in the city. She is an accomplished hair and make-up designer with extensive experience in the fashion industry. With over 15 years of experience, Yiu is also an accomplished body painting artist. Yiu believes that as a makeup artist, one should […]

Tam Chi Wing Kevin

Tam Chi Wing Kevin has over four decades of experience working in the knitting industry. In the 1970s, hand flat knitting machines from the Brother company was imported into Hong Kong. Tam began working as a sales of single- and double-bed knitting machines and was assigned to research and develop machine mechanics with engineers in Japan. Tam currently focuses on teaching knitting and brings together creativity with craft. Image courtesy: BY Y.B. Studio Asia

Centre for Community Cultural Development

Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD) is a pioneering non-profit arts organisation founded by a group of social workers and artists (visual arts, theatre, community arts) in 2004. They promote and practice community culture and arts, and are dedicated to embrace diversity. Through a variety of community cultural development projects within and beyond the local community, they explore the creative potential and cultural resources of people, and thus cultivate personal qualities, empower individuals and equip them to face social changes. […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!