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Image courtesy: Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)

Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)

Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) was established in 2007 and is a member of the VTC Group. As a leading provider of design education and lifelong learning, including architecture, interior and product design, communication design, digital media, and fashion and image design, it promotes the ‘think and do’ approach and encourages interdisciplinary synergy in its broad range of design programmes that cultivates students’ cultural sensitivities and sense of sustainability. HKDI maintains a strong network with the industry and provides its […]

Photo: Tamura Kosuke

Sudō Reiko

Sudō Reiko is the design director of internationally renowned Nuno Corporation in Tokyo. Experimenting with various materials from silk to metal, she has been concerned with the recycling and upcycling of textiles and the environmental effect of textile production.

Image courtesy: Eric Poon

Eric Poon

Eric Poon is a veteran documentary producer, currently the Associate Professor of Practice at the School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK. As a winner of various international film and TV awards, Poon has made over 100 episodes for Radio Television Hong Kong’s flagship documentary series, Hong Kong Connection, in the past two decades. Besides documentaries, he also produces TV programmes for youth and encourages them to create their own work through multimedia projects.

Image courtesy: Jessica Hemmings

Jessica Hemmings

Jessica Hemmings is Professor of Craft at HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; Visiting Professor with the Doctoral School of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary, the Rita Bolland Fellow at the Research Centre for Material Culture, the Netherlands (2020-23) and a member of the editorial boards of Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture and Craft Research. Hemmings has curated, written and edited books related to textiles including Yvonne Vera: the Voice of Cloth (Kalliope paperbacks, 2008), […]

Image courtesy: TWGHs Lok Hong ICCMW


TWGHs Lok Hong ICCMW (Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness) provides accessible, district-based community support and social rehabilitation services for residents of Central and Western District and Southern District. Their one-stop services cover early prevention and risk management, including client-centred casework, therapeutic groups, social and supportive programmes and occupational training.

Image courtest: Asia Art Archive

Asia Art Archive

Asia Art Archive (AAA) is an independent non-profit organisation initiated in 2000 in response to the urgent need to document and make accessible the multiple recent histories of art in the region. With one of the most valuable collections of material on art freely available from its website and onsite library, AAA builds tools and communities to collectively expand knowledge through research, residency, and educational programmes.   A newly renovated and expanded AAA Library will be open to the public […]

Image courtesy: Green Ladies & Green Little

Green Ladies & Green Little

Green Ladies & Green Little is a social enterprise operated by the St. James’ Settlement. Established in 2008, Green Ladies & Green Little has been promoting eco-friendly habits and employment opportunities for middle-aged women. Secondhand business is expanded to kids wear and Green Ladies & Green Little was established in 2016 to provide an eco-shopping platform for parents and kids. Through their collection of high quality fashion and accessories, they promote secondhand clothing for sustainable use of resources.

Image courtesy: Pop & Zebra

Pop & Zebra

Pop & Zebra is an integrative design studio based in Hong Kong. It is a marriage of two diverse influences viz. Krupa’s childhood in Tanzania and Abhishek’s love for popular culture. Led by observation and research, Pop & Zebra’s work is conceptual with a strong emphasis on visual storytelling and playfulness. They love making things by hand and are constantly shapeshifting between art direction, print and product design, across analogue and digital realms. In between bouts of daydreaming about opulence, […]

Image courtesy: Ma Wing Man

Ma Wing Man

Born in Hong Kong, Ma Wing Man attained her BA in Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2019 and underwent an exchange programme at Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland in 2018. Specialising in knitting, Ma is interested in creating space and experience to explore fluidity of her works with people, often involving the participation of audience. By collecting, dismantling and reconstructing found objects, her works attempt to transform the relationship between objects and people and strengthen interpersonal […]

Image courtesy: Rebirth Garments (Sky Cubacub)

Rebirth Garments (Sky Cubacub)

Sky Cubacub is a non-binary queer and disabled Filipinx artist from Chicago, Illinois. As a multidisciplinary artist and the creator of Rebirth Garments, they are interested in fulfilling the needs for disabled queer life, with an emphasis on joy, making a line of wearables that challenges mainstream beauty standards through centring queer and disabled people of all sizes, ethnicities, and ages. They are the editor of the Radical Visibility Zine, a magazine for queer and disabled people of all ages […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.