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Wang Weiwei

Wang Weiwei Wang Weiwei is currently the Curator of Exhibitions and Collections at CHAT. From 2010 to 2017, Wang was the curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai (MoCA Shanghai). In 2017, Wang participated at the Curator-in-Residence Programme at the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan, and the International Researcher Programme at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul, South Korea. Wang was then appointed as the co-curator at the 12th Shanghai Biennale and awarded […]

Image courtesy: Benny SY Li

Benny SY Li

Benny SY Li is a writer with multiple identities, he is also an amateur photographer, a traveller, a novice painter and a seeker for wonderful things. He was the former Chief Editor of Hong Kong Ming Pao Supplement and Sing Pao Supplement. He has published more than 50 novels, collections and photo album, held many TV shows and played roles in movies. Moreover, he also wrote several screenplays and participated in numerous painting and photo exhibitions.

Image courtesy: Yu Miu Po

Yu Miu Po

Yu Miu Po is a registered coach (level 1) of Dragon Boat (Traditional Boat) and Canoe in Hong Kong Canoe Union. He has been the team leader and coach of the dragon boat team of Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery since 2018 and teaches members with positive spirit. The team has won the champion of the International Secondary Women Championships of Centum Charitas Foundation 20th Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Championships (2018), the champion […]

Image courtesy: Alan Leung

Cheng Tim Tim

Cheng Tim Tim is a poet and a teacher from Hong Kong, currently based in the UK. Before completing the MSc in Creative Writing at the University of Edinburgh, she double-majored in English and English Language Teaching at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her pamphlet Tapping at Glass is out with Verve Poetry Press in 2023. Her poems are published or anthologised in POETRY, The Rialto, Ambit, Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine, Our Time is a Garden, and elsewhere. She also […]

Image courtesy: Jamie Cheung

Jamie Cheung

Jamie Cheung is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of GLO Travel, a travel company which specialises in cultural and in-depth tours to uncommon destinations such as North Korea, Iran, and Central Asia. He is also an university lecturer, best-selling author, TV host and columnist.

Image courtesy: Lee Chun Sze Eunice

Lee Chun Sze Eunice

Lee Chun Sze Eunice is a designer, lecturer and researcher with special interest in traditional cheongsam and sustainability. Ms Lee is a committee member of the Hong Kong Cheongsam Association. She was invited to present her designs on contemporary cheongsam in Muse Fest HK 2018: Experiencing the Tales of the Old Hong Kong – Cheongsam & Nanyin Party, at Hong Kong Museum of History and Faithful to the Craft – The Oral Legacies: Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Hong Kong […]

Image courtesy: Wong Chi Chung

Wong Chi Chung

Wong Chi Chung is a veteran radio DJ, music critic and curator. He is also the head of General Education at The University of Hong Kong since 2011. Dr Wong actively promotes international and local arts and culture through radio and TV programmes and curated numerous cross-cultural projects including the Putonghua version of David Bowie’s song Seven Years in Tibet (1997) , Centennial Exhibition of Chinese Records (2006), Gen-S Concert for Shanghai Expo (2010), Hong Kong Week in Taipei (2012), […]

Image courtesy: Ng Chun Hung

Ng Chun Hung

Ng Chun Hung was a former Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong. Dr Ng specialises in research on popular culture and Hong Kong society with selected publications including Cultural Chichat, Pop Hong Kong: Reading Hong Kong Popular Culture 2000-2010, and Sam Hui Here and Now. In 2005, together with Dr Wong Chi Chung and others, he initiated the long-term project Conserving Popular Culture in Hong Kong – James Wong Study. Over the years, the project […]

Image courtesy: Chan Chung Ki

Chan Chung Ki

Chan Chung Ki is a film director based in Hong Kong and London. He graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Chan produced special effects and telefeatures for RTHK, Scorpio film, STAR TV. He also produced documentaries for AXN, Phoenix Chinese Channel, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Tourism Board. In 2013, chosen among the best emerging talents in the industry, Chan was honoured as one of five innovative directors to create a […]

Image courtesy: Enoch Cheng

Enoch Cheng

Artist Enoch Cheng received his MA in Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, London. His practice spans moving image, installation, curating, dance, events, theatre, writing, fashion, performance, and pedagogy. His works explore the boundaries and connections between various disciplines and traditions, with recurrent themes of belonging, travel, care, memory, migration etc. His most recent works include TO ARRIVE (2022, Hong Kong City Hall 60th Anniversary Performance), Handle with Care (2022, Museum of Arts and Design, New York).


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.