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Image courtesy: Frog King Kwok

Frog King Kwok

Frog King Kwok Kwok Mang Ho, also known as Frog King, is a first-generation performance artist in Hong Kong. His work encompasses performance art, happening, installation, collage, ink art, sculpture and more. He incorporates ink painting as both action and material into multimedia participatory practices. Kwok received training in ink painting and calligraphy from Lui Shou Kwan, a master of the New Ink Painting movement, and spent 15 years in New York during his early artistic career. He has exhibited […]

Image courtesy: Antonia Cheung

Antonia Cheung

Antonia Cheung studied archaeology and history in the UK. After completing an MBA and a stint in banking she went to London to study law but returned to Hong Kong to run the family business when her father fell ill. Initially turning to shibori as a therapeutic respite and her passion for the colour of navy blue, it is now an essential channel for her creative expression. Through her internship with BUAISOU, she now truly appreciates the many possibilities of […]

Image courtesy: Chan Pei

Chan Pei

Chan Pei studied Costume Technology at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and was fascinated with dyeing when she was introduced to chemical dyes during her studies. In 2015, she started to work for Indigo 11.50, the first indigo studio in Hong Kong and unfolded her journey in natural dyes. In the summer of 2017 and 2019, Chan Pei followed veteran botanist and natural dye expert Michel Garcia to learn natural dyeing in the south of France and finished […]

Image courtesy: Mudwork


Mudwork is a Hong Kong-based art studio founded by artist Chung Wai Ian and Ng Ka Chun. Interested in exploring everyday objects and cultures being neglected or forgotten, they create sculptural works related to play, local trees and nature aiming to explore their alternative and contemporary meanings. Their recent community and public art projects have been included in the Public Art Collections presented by the Art Promotion Office, Hi! Hill – Community Art Project and the ArtOxygen artist-in-residence program in […]

Image courtesy: St. Francis Xavier's School, Tsuen Wan

St. Francis Xavier’s School, Tsuen Wan

St. Francis Xavier’s School, Tsuen Wan is a Catholic boys’ school. The school takes accompanying students’ growth as its responsibility, fostering an atmosphere of freedom and self-discipline, and emphasizes academic growth. It also organizes diverse extracurricular activities to enrich learning experiences and broaden students’ horizons, striving to provide a comprehensive holistic education.

Image courtesy: C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong)

C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong)

C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong), founded in 1965, is a full-time aided primary school. It closely follows the fine traditions and missions of The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China to run the school. This school has excellent academics and provides a holistic education with modern facilities. It is dedicated to nurturing students spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically. Its goal is to cultivate students with a positive attitude, enabling them to become […]

Jakkai Siributr

Born and based in Bangkok, Siributr employs weaving and embroidery in his artworks to weave and stitch unofficial individual stories about conflict between religious and political beliefs, which are often overshadowed by grand narratives. Recently, he has conducted workshops and realised collaborative works with communities of stateless people in North Thailand for their voices can be heard. Siributr participated in international exhibitions including Phantoms of Asia: Contemporary Awakens the Past at Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (2012), the 9th […]

Image courtesy: Mudwork


Mudwork is a Hong Kong-based art studio founded by artist Chung Wai Ian and Ng Ka Chun. Interested in exploring everyday objects and cultures being neglected or forgotten, they create sculptural works related to play, local trees and nature aiming to explore their alternative and contemporary meanings. Their recent community and public art projects have been included in the Public Art Collections presented by the Art Promotion Office, Hi! Hill – Community Art Project and the ArtOxygen artist-in-residence program in […]

Angela Law Tsin fung

Angela Law Tsin Fung is an Assistant Professor of the Creative Writing and Film Arts programme at the School of Arts and Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. Her research interests include film studies, creative and cultural industries studies. She specializes in global and Hong Kong film music. She has published nine related books in Hong Kong and Mainland China employing wide range of perspectives, such as cultural studies, auteur theories, and textual analysis to analyze film music, including […]

Donna Chu

Donna Chu is Director and Associate Professor of School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interest focus on youth media culture and media literacy. Previously worked at the General Education Department of the University of Hong Kong, she became acquainted with Rebecca Pan and has had a friendship spanning nearly two decades. With the privilege of becoming a frequent guest at Rebecca’s home banquet, she has savored many Rebecca’s delectable dishes and been regaled […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.