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Category : Artists

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Benjamin Hao

Hao Lap Yan Benjamin was born and is currently based in Hong Kong. He considers himself as an interdisciplinary artist who spends half of his time in urban Hong Kong and half in rural. Hao received his BFA from RMIT and Hong Kong Art School in 2011 and gained his interdisciplinary art MFA from University of Hartford in 2018. His practice examines the relationships between human beings, nature and society, prompting reflections and reimagination to allow for diverse narratives and […]

Image courtesy: Yee I-Lann

Yee I-Lann

Yee I-Lann A native of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Yee I-Lann’s creative practice encompasses photography, video, writing, textile and site-specific installation, drawing on the complex colonial history, global connections, cultural identities and socio-political matters of Southeast Asia. Yee obtained her BA from the University of South Australia in 1992 before moving to Kuala Lumpur in 1994, where she was actively involved in the art, film and underground music scenes. Since moving back to her hometown in 2017, she has been collaborating […]

Queer Reads Library

Queer Reads Library (QRL) is a collection of books and independently published zines centred around queer narratives and themes. As a response to the censorship of ten LGBTQ-themed books for children and young adults in Hong Kong’s public libraries in June 2018, the Library brings together a selection of ‘queer reads’ for members of the public to engage with. In the spirit of openness and dialogue, Queer Reads Library serves as a testament to queer friends living in all societies, […]

Aarati Akkapeddi

Aarati Akkapeddi is an Indian-American cross-disciplinary artist interested in the poetics and politics of datasets. Their work explores how identities and histories are shaped by different methods of collecting, preserving and presenting data. They combine code, machine learning and analogue techniques (printmaking) to navigate these themes, and they often use family photographs and archival images as source material. They use algorithms designed for applications such as facial recognition with these images, creating performative rituals of information extraction. In working with […]

Andreas Angelidakis

With a background in architecture, Angelidakis’s multifaceted practices engages with the analogue and the digital, virtual and physical buildings and ruins, and problems and solutions. Based and works in Athens, Angelidakis often metaphorically adapts historical narratives, etymologies and elements of Greek culture to address contemporary urgencies in the world. His recent series of interactive soft sculpture pieces titled DEMOS  is multifunctional and transforms from monuments to ruins and public furniture with people’s collective intervention. Angelidakis participated in numerous international exhibitions […]

Rebirth Garments (Sky Cubacub)

Sky Cubacub is a non-binary queer and disabled Filipinx artist from Chicago, Illinois. As a multidisciplinary artist and the creator of Rebirth Garments, they are interested in fulfilling the needs for disabled queer life, with an emphasis on joy, making a line of wearables that challenges mainstream beauty standards through centring queer and disabled people of all sizes, ethnicities, and ages. They are the editor of the Radical Visibility Zine , a magazine for queer and disabled people of all ages […]

Taeyoon Choi

Taeyoon Choi is an artist and educator based in New York and Seoul. He co-founded School for Poetic Computation in 2013, where he organised classes and taught experimental workshops. He is inspired by the poetics in science, technology, society and human relations. He works with computer programming, drawing and writing, in collaboration with fellow artists and community members. He believes in the intersectionalities of art, activism and education. He works with activists and scholars on disability rights, environmental justice and […]

Bruce LI

Bruce LI Bruce Li is Associate Curator at CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile). With knowledge and practical experience as a weaver, knitter and writer, one of Li’s main research strands includes what mode of reading is engendered through textile-making. Having graduated from Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design, Li holds degrees in Comparative Literature and Textiles.

Eugenia LAW Pik Yu

Eugenia LAW Eugenia Law is Associate Curator of Learning and Community at CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile). She graduated with first class honours from the Department of Chinese, Translations and Linguistics at City University of Hong Kong (2011) and a Master of Social Sciences in Media, Culture and Creative Cities at the University of Hong Kong (2015). With experience in programme development at the National Geographic Channels and university research, she was the Gallery Manager of Hong Kong […]

Image courtesy: Toby Crispy

Toby Crispy

Toby Crispy Toby is founder of FashionClinic by T has worked in different sectors and roles in the fashion field ranging from a magazine editor to a fashion designer for international brands. She worked as design manager at French label agnès b. before starting her upcycling fashion journey in 2013. Since then, Toby has been focusing on redesigning fashion services and upcycling textile art, curating exhibitions, workshops, and events with various fashion brands, corporate, NGOs, and art groups. She seeks […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT and CHAT Shop will be opened at 12:30 today, thank you very much!