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Photo courtesy: Yin Xiuzhen

Yin Xiuzhen

Yin Xiuzhen Best known for creating with used clothes, Yin Xiuzhen addresses social issues of globalisation and homogenisation through art. She assembles recycled everyday materials into sculptural documents of memory, alluding to the lives of individuals who are often neglected in the drive towards excessive urbanisation, rapid modernisation and global economic growth. Yin began her career after earning a BA in oil painting from Capital Normal University, Beijing, in 1989. Her artworks have been displayed in many international exhibitions, including […]

Image courtesy: Studio Scarlett Yang 2023

Scarlett Yang

Scarlett Yang Scarlett Yang is a London-based artist and designer known for her revolutionary approach to conscious design and artistic work. Yang explores the evolution cycles of ‘hybrid matter’, where the analogue and the digital intersect and emerge as a life cycle. As a pioneer in ecological innovations, biomateriality and virtual materials, she brings forward a unique, multidisciplinary lens on the development and supply chain of new materials. Cross-referencing design systems, digital mediums and tactile experiences, Yang questions common understandings […]

Image courtesy: Shao Chun
Photo: Ladina Bischof

Shao Chun

Shao Chun Shao Chun is a new media artist whose research interests encompass multimedia installation, e-textiles, post-internet art and design fiction. She is dedicated to exploring the intricate relationship between the human body and digital technology (‘digital intimacy’) and the resulting emotional dependency. Her recent work, combining traditional craft with computer programming, explores the aesthetics of interaction and reflect on our digitalised life. Shao completed her undergraduate studies in the Department of Fine Arts at the China Academy of Art […]

Image courtesy: Kobayashi Yuki

Kobayashi Yuki

Kobayashi Yuki Kobayashi Yuki is a visual and performance artist born and based in Tokyo, Japan. Kobayashi uses his own body as a neutral object, mainly in action-based performances, to question gender, disability and racial stereotypes and examine human relations. He has participated in stage and video works as well as contemporary art exhibitions. In an ongoing project New Gender Bending Strawberry, Kobayashi performs as an unidentified creature in multimedia installations. In another ongoing project Life of Athletics, he explores […]

Image courtesy: Yuki Kihara
Photo: Gui Taccetti

Yuki Kihara

Yuki Kihara Yuki Kihara is an interdisciplinary artist based in Sāmoa. From a Pacific-indigenous perspective, Kihara challenges dominant and singular historical narratives through performance, sculpture, video, photography and curatorial practice. Kihara’s works have been presented in numerous exhibitions, including Gwangju Biennale (2023), the New Zealand Pavilion at Venice Biennale (2022), Aichi Triennale (2022), Bangkok Art Biennale (2018), Honolulu Biennale (2017), Asia Pacific Triennial (2015 and 2002), Sakahàn Quinquennial (2013) and a solo exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (2008). Her […]

Image courtesy: Iwasaki Takahiro
Photo: Nina Johnson

Iwasaki Takahiro

Based in his hometown Hiroshima, Iwasaki Takahiro sculpts miniature landscapes out of everyday household items, such as towels, toothbrushes and bookmarks. Many of his works are inspired by the turbulent history of the Hiroshima city, which was rapidly reconstructed after its destruction by the atomic bomb in 1945. Through art, he reflects on the fragility and transformation of modern urban landscape. Iwasaki received a PhD from Hiroshima City University and an MFA at Edinburgh College of Art. He represented Japan […]

Image courtesy: Wardah Mohamad

Fyerool Darma

Fyerool Darma A painter by training, Fyerool Darma is a Singapore-based artist who combines theoretical and historical research with art making. He integrates sound, video, new media, sculpture, text and craft into images, juxtaposing modernist aesthetics and ideology with Southeast Asian cultures, histories, aesthetics and politics. Darma has developed a complex visual vocabulary, drawing from sources such as tangible and intangible Malay heritage, archives, the internet, literature and popular culture. In collaboration with other artists and producers, he repurposes salvaged textiles, e-waste, found or […]

Image courtesy: Maggie Chu

Maggie Chu

Maggie Chu Currently living and working in Hong Kong, Maggie Chu’s artistic practice involves building mixed-media installations with images, miniature sculptures, natural materials, and found objects.  From blueprint to installation, her creative process is akin to unlocking a treasure trove, as she explores personal and place identities in contemporary life through diverse media and repurposed found objects. She graduated with a BArch from the University of New South Wales, Australia, and later completed a BAFA programme co-presented by the Royal […]

Image courtesy: Kimberly Chong

Kimberly Chong

Kimberly Chong Born in Malaysia and currently based in Hong Kong, Kimberly Chong is intrigued by the relationship between man and nature. Her practice focuses on jewellery and sculpture on the body, often playing with the ideas of co-existence and environmental repercussions of human actions. She enjoys recycling waste materials and incorporating them into her creations, while at the same time observing and appreciating nature’s way of processing synthetic objects. Chong graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong […]

Image courtesy: Ei Arakawa-Nash

Ei Arakawa-Nash

Ei Arakawa-Nash Born in the Fukushima prefecture of Japan, Ei Arakawa-Nash is a performance artist currently based in Los Angeles. His performances are created through collaborations with contemporary artists, art historians and other parties. He breaks down the boundary between performer and viewer by inviting the audience to participate in an improvisational manner, converting them from passive viewers to active subjects. Arakawa has performed internationally, including at REDCAT, Los Angeles (2023); Reena Spaulings Fine Art, Los Angeles (2022); Turbine Hall […]


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.