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Image courtesy: Kang Seokyeong Suki

Kang Seokyeong Suki

Suki Seokyeong Kang studied Oriental Painting at Ewha Womans University, Seoul and Painting at the Royal College of Art, London. Her practice is inspired by jeongganbo, the traditional Korean musical notation system invented in the Choson Dynasty. Jeongganbo combines elements of musical notation, such as pitch and tempo, with the posture and movement of a performer in a visually balanced grid layout. Her recent exhibitions include the 58th Venice Biennale (2019), 12th Shanghai Biennale (2019), Black Mat Oriole, ICA Philadelphia (2018), Liverpool […]

Image courtesy: Park Jeehee
Photo: John Paul

Park Jeehee

Park Jeehee Park Jeehee is a sculptor based in Seoul whose creative practice explores the nature of modern architecture in relation to biology, anthropology, physics and folklore. Her work shows an interest in non-human organisms, time, history and their entanglement in modern buildings, decentring anthropocentric events and meanings in the process. Park has been awarded fellowships and residencies at the MAK center, LA, the Swatch Art Peace Hotel, Shanghai, and the Glenfiddich Artists in Residence programme in Scotland. She is […]

Image courtesy: Man Mei To

Man Mei To

Man Mei To obtained her Bachelor of Arts at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT) and Hong Kong Arts School in 2017, majoring in painting. Man is the selected artist of Tai Kwun Artists’ Studio Programme 2021 in Hong Kong. She has participated in numerous local and international group exhibitions including Gathering of Consciousness, The 29th Asian International Art Exhibition at Fukuoka (2021), The Spaces Between the Words Are Almost Infinite at Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong (2020), Zoo […]

Image courtesy: Yang Yuanyuan

Luka Yuanyuan Yang

Born in 1989, Beijing, Luka Yuanyuan Yang is a visual artist and filmmaker. She does visual storytelling through film, photography, artist books and performance. Yang received awards internationally from organisations such as Art Power 100 (2019), Asian Cultural Council (2017), Huayu Youth Award (2016), Rencontres d’Arles (2015), Magenta Foundation (2013) and Three Shadows Tierney Fellowship (2012). Her recent solo exhibitions include Shanghai Low at OCAT, Shanghai (2020), Dalian Mirage at AIKE, Shanghai (2019), Theater of Crossroads at Chinese America Arts […]

Image courtesy: Li Qingyue

Li Qingyue

Li Qingyue is a Shanghai-born illustrator who creates illustrations for novels, and occasionally  picture books, where she reinterprets folk stories through the language of contemporary art. In 2021, her picture book Magic Cloth was awarded Diploma under the Best Picture Books category in Image of the Book, an international contest for book illustration and design. Lee Qingyue has held solo exhibitions including Magic Cloth (2021) and Records of the Buddha: Giugiu’s Travelogue (2016) at the Shanghai Mass Art Center, and […]

Lee Kai Chung

Lee Kai Chung performs artistic research on history and historiography, systems, and ideology. In his early years, Lee was inspired by the lack of proper governance over public records, so he developed his own archival research methodology as his key artistic practice. Through research, social participation and engagement, Lee’s work reflects upon historical narratives and demonstrates an individual’s transition between politics and art. Lee received the Altius Fellowship from Asian Cultural Council in 2020 and the Award for Young Artist […]

Image courtesy: Kato Tsubasa
Photo: Kana Tarumi

Kato Tsubasa

Kato Tsubasa is an artist currently living and working in Tokyo. The common characteristic of Kato’s multimedia projects, including performance, structures and video, is communal practice: his representative Pull and Raise (moving a large structure with ropes in public space) relies on spontaneous participation. Since completing a project in Fukushima after the 2011 disaster, his work has become more satirical in nature, playing with social boundaries, such as They Do Not Understand Each Other on an uninhabited island between Korea […]

Image courtesy: Kamata Yusuke
Photo: Charlotte Raymond

Kamata Yusuke

Born in 1984 in Kanagawa, Japan, Kamata Yusuke graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in Inter-Media Art from the Tokyo University of Arts in 2013. He exposes the distortion inherent in history through his work built upon extensive research of the connection between war and culture as well as the architectural and modern histories of Japan. Kamata’s recent exhibitions include The Ongoing Dialogue at Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Kanagawa (2019), Compiling Behaviors, Digesting Actions at Tokyo Arts and Space […]

Image courtesy: Jeon Gisun

Jeon Gisun|Matsuda Motoyoshi

Jeon Gisun/Matsuda Motoyoshi is a cultural translator and earthbag builder currently based mainly in Japan. As the director and coordinator of a team of cultural translators and editors that he established in 2015, he developed a unique cultural approach through co-organising a wide range of projects addressing lifestyle, community, art, food and craftmanship throughout Asia. As a member of 5 mutual aid communities, he continues to expand his living design practices through his characteristic architectural and woodworking techniques. Born and […]

Image courtesy: Ho Rui An
Photo: Eike Walkenhorst

Ho Rui An

Ho Rui An Ho Rui An is an artist and writer working in the intersections of contemporary art, cinema, performance and theory. Through lecture, essay and film, he examines the systems of governance in a global age. He has presented projects at the Bangkok Art Biennale; Asian Art Biennial; Gwangju Biennale; Jakarta Biennale; Sharjah Biennial; Kochi-Muziris Biennale; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; Kunsthalle Wien; Singapore Art Museum; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; and Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, Japan. Ho […]


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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.