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Programmes, People

What’s in a Name? Bruce Li on ‘Patternways’

24.02.2023 Grace Wong
Programmes, People

Nomads on the Plateau: Conversation with Alexandra Tsay

31.01.2023 Grace Wong
Programmes, People

Thoughts on Blue: Takahashi Mizuki

20.12.2022 Grace Wong
Programmes, People

Thoughts on Blue: Kaji Kakuo

29.11.2022 Grace Wong
Programmes, People

Thoughts on Blue: Sudō Reiko

31.10.2022 Grace Wong

Spinning Mill Intern Handbook (Part 1)

25.02.2022 Pat Cheung

Spinning Mill Intern Handbook (Part 2)

25.02.2022 Pat Cheung

Cotton-Spinning: Past and Future (Part 1)

20.12.2021 Michelle Leung

Cotton-Spinning: Past and Future (Part 2)

20.12.2021 Michelle Leung
People, Happenings

Research Grant Showcase: Interview with Johanna von Pezold

25.11.2021 Grace Wong

Field Notes: Johanna von Pezold

25.11.2021 Johanna von Pezold

Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!