Audio Description Association (Hong Kong)
Founded in 2015, the Audio Description Association (Hong Kong), or AuDeAHK, is a professional organisation that provides professional audio description (AD) training and services. AuDeAHK is devoted to raising the standard and profile of AD in Hong Kong; offering professional programmes to train audio-describers; improving information accessibility and promoting social inclusion.
AuDeAHK offers a wide array of AD services, covering films, TV programmes, picture books, performances, exhibitions, visits, sports and outdoor activities, etc. and provides professional consulting services.
AuDeAHK’s Founder Dr Dawning Leung holds a PhD in Audio Description from University College London (UCL), and her thesis is one of the very first studies conducted on AD in a Chinese context. With her research and experience, Dr Leung designs and develops training programmes and formulates professional guidelines to nurture future audio-describers.

Image Courtesy: Audio Description Association (Hong Kong)