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OH Haji

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Image courtesy: Oh Haji
Photo: Keizo Kioku

OH Haji

Haji Oh is a Korean artist born and raised in Japan, now living in Australia. She utilises textile-making techniques, such as weaving, dyeing and unravelling, as well as photography, cyanotype, text and sound in her work. Drawing on her background as a third-generation Zainichi Korean (a Korean resident in Japan), she creates artworks that give expression to the untold memories – silent memories – of women and unnamed individuals. She explores the concept of ‘post-memory’ by sharing experiences and dialogue through community workshops.

She was awarded a PhD in Fine Arts by Kyoto City University of Arts in 2012 and is the recipient of the Tokyo Contemporary Art Award 2024–2026. Since 2017, she has been working on an extended series of installations called Grand-mother Island Project, tracing the trajectories of people who have crossed the Pacific Ocean between Japan, Korea, Australia and places in between.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!