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Marie-Anne McQuay

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(Director, Bluecoat, UK)

Marie-Anne McQuay is Head of Programme at Bluecoat, Liverpool (2014-), UK’s oldest contemporary arts centre where she curates across visual art, literature, music and performance programmes. She is currently Arts Advisor for the Granby Four Streets Winter Garden which will see Liverpool based artist Nina Edge work with local people, horticultural experts, and architects and Turner Prize winners Assemble to transform an empty plot in the Granby neighbourhood into a unique indoor garden.

Previously McQuay was curator at Spike Island, Bristol (2007-2013) working with artists Elizabeth Price, Laure Prouvost, Can Altay, Sonia Boyce, Cevdet Erek, Uriel Orlow and Jesse Jones. Before studying MFA Curating at Goldsmiths College, University of London (2005-6), she worked at FACT, Liverpool (2001-5) as part of the Collaboration Programme working on context based commissions with communities and artists including Stephen Willats, Jeanne Van Heeswijk, Dias & Riedweg and Superflex/tenantspin.

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