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Makie Chang

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Image courtesy: Makie Chang

Makie Chang is an indigo artist born and based in Hong Kong. She studied Textile and Fashion Design in Hong Kong Polytechnic University and her original indigo art was selected as a finalist in YDC (Young Fashion Designers’ Contest) in 2017. Chang believes in natural, organic creation of art and appreciates imperfections by embracing Wabi Sabi aesthetics.

With her personal brand Makie Mori blending indigo with minimal design, she hopes to bring the art of natural indigo into people’s life and inspires others towards sustainability. Chang hosts regular workshops for all ages and her products are available at M+ , PMQ, JCCAC, and shops around Lamma Island and Peng Chau.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.