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LET’S MAKE: Workshops

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  1. Home Slippers DIY
    Once a crystal stall proprietor in Lee Tung Street, Aunt May is now an advocate of environmentally-friendly crafts. She wishes to create interesting works using discarded materials, spreading the concept of sustainable living.
  2. Explore a Sewing Machine
    Have been working in the textile industry for nearly half a century, Master Wong knows sewing machines inside-out. He demonstrated the functioning of the machines.
  3. Silk-screen Workshop
    Participants tried hands-on silkscreen printing using illustrations created by local designer Geeio Yuen and teenagers from Po Leung Kuk Children & Youth Services Tsuen Wan Centre.
  4. Looms Workshop
    Breakthrough Art helped participants to make your own woven accessories using looms.


Aunt May
With her motto ‘Materials found in four seasons can turn to anything’, Aunt May is a social activist specializing in eco-friendly handicraft. In her eyes, object from the past bear resemblance to old place like old town, full of vibrancy and possibilities.  She loves to share her stories and creations across different districts.

Fay Wong
Fay Wong, or Master Wong, has been in mechanical engineering for spinning and sewing machines for over 30 years.  He pioneered in importing automated machines from countries including Japan, USA, Germany, UK, and greatly improved the quality and efficiency of manufacturing in Hong Kong.  He is currently the consultant of CHAT Lab for mechanical maintenance.

Geeio Yuen
A designer, creator and storyteller, Yuen records tales of the city by drawing portraits for people he meets on the streets through his project ‘Nice to meet you’.  He was also an instructor of CHAT’s visual art workshops for this programme, creating works about Tsuen Wan with young people.

Breakthrough Art Studio
A local brand that was built to promote weaving culture in Hong Kong.   Started from 2016, they put efforts in building different kinds of loom for Hong Kong people, and organised varies of creative weaving workshops.  They studied brilliant history of textile and weaving, and use their way to translate the wisdom of traditional weaving methods in a modern vision.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.