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Lee Chun Sze Eunice

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Image courtesy: Lee Chun Sze Eunice

Lee Chun Sze Eunice is a designer, lecturer and researcher with special interest in traditional cheongsam and sustainability. Ms Lee is a committee member of the Hong Kong Cheongsam Association. She was invited to present her designs on contemporary cheongsam in Muse Fest HK 2018: Experiencing the Tales of the Old Hong Kong – Cheongsam & Nanyin Party, at Hong Kong Museum of History and Faithful to the Craft – The Oral Legacies: Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Exhibition Month of 2018, in the Prince Kung’s Palace Museum, Beijing.

She plays a key role on the promotion of structured programmes on Hong Kong-style cheongsam and is the administrator on a series of courses to younger generations, funded by the Intangible Culture Heritage Funding Scheme of the government. She is also working on the establishment of a digital archives on the styles and production processes on heritage cheongsam.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.