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Lam Tung Pang

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Hong Kong born, and currently lives and works in Hong Kong.

Lam’s works are mostly related to specific situations in collective memory and social contents. Though he paints in the style of Chinese landscapes, Lam does not try to embrace the classical cultural tradition. On the contrary, his oeuvre demonstrates how he oscillates between one aesthetic to another and integrates the different contradictory fluxes of a society in constant movement – journey and landscape are essential as passages between places and times, memories and dreams.

He has works in throughout private and public collections including Hong Kong Museum of Art, M+ Museum, K11 Foundation, The White Rabbit Collection, Kadist Art Foundation and Deutsche Bank, as well as public art commission work found in the Grand Opening of Tai Kwun, MTR, Hong Kong Legislative Council, New World Development Ltd and Art Promotion Office, Hong Kong.

He was awarded Hong Kong Arts Council Scholarship and the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to live and work in London and New York respectively. In 2012, he was awarded Asian Cultural Council Fellowship and the outstanding contributions to the development of culture and arts by The Secretary for Home Affairs, Hong Kong.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.