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Johanna Engman

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Curator and Industrial Heritage Coordinator, Textile Museum of Sweden, Borås

Johanna Engman is a curator and industrial heritage coordinator at the Textile Museum of Sweden in Borås, a town that has been defined by textiles and textile industry. In 2016, she curated the museum’s award-winning permanent exhibition Textile Power, which presented an overview of the textile industry on both local and global levels through drawing parallels between developments in Borås – from industrialisation to decline and subsequent regeneration – and the contemporary mass production of textiles, highlighting striking similarities between the processes of Borås in the past, and the mass-production textile industry of today. In 2017, Textile Power won the ‘Exhibition of the Year 2016’ award – the most prestigious prize an exhibition can receive in Sweden. Engman has previously worked as an artist, and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Arts from Bath Spa University, the United Kingdom. She also has a Master’s Degree in Building Conservation and Heritage Management from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and has previously also worked for the local government of Åland, Finland.

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