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Clifford J Pereira

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Kenyan-born Clifford (Cliff) J Pereira is a historical geographer, researcher, museum curator and heritage consultant with a portfolio of global projects. He is a world authority on the subject of Zheng He and Africa. Pereira has contributed to numerous publications, radio and documentary programmes. He is best known for his work on Africans in the Indian Ocean World, especially the ‘Bombay African’ narrative and on the Panos de Terra textile of the Cape Verde Islands. Pereira was recently featured on the Japanese network NHK for his work on Yasuke – the African Samurai. His MRes thesis on the History of Africa and the African Diaspora focused on Africans in Southeast Asia 1900-1960. Pereira is Visiting Research Associate with the University of Hong Kong’s African Studies Department. Pereira was a batik  instructor and enjoys watercolour painting.

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