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Charles Lai

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Image courtesy: Charles Lai

Charles Lai is an architect as well as a researcher and writer of architectural history. He received his PhD degree in architectural history and theory from the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong, and his diploma degree from the AA School of Architecture in London. His thesis focuses on the history, material culture and technology of a cement plaster called Shanghai Plaster in East and Southeast Asia, as well as the conservation of built historical heritages.

Lai is a member of the Docomomo Hong Kong and is also an author on Hong Kong’s architecture and built heritages. He co-authored The Lost Modern – 25 modernist buildings in Hong Kong, a book on post-war modern architecture in Hong Kong. His academic writing was published in the 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH). His upcoming publications will be featured in the Society for Hong Kong Studies 2nd Annual Meeting 2020, Docomomo Journal 63, and the HKIA Journal.

Since 2015, Lai has taught at various schools and institutions, including the AA Pyongyang Visiting School, PolyU School of Design, University of Hong Kong, HKU Space and Hong Kong Design Institute. He has also been invited by various institutions and agencies, such as Walk in Hong Kong, GLO Travel, HKICON, HKISC and The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) to deliver talks and walking tours on the architecture and urban environment of Hong Kong, Pyongyang, Tokyo, Osaka and other cities in Asia.

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