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Aura Luz Melis

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(Partner, Inside Outside, Netherlands)

Aura Luz Melis is educated as an architect at the Technical University of Delft and The Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism in Sao Paulo. She joined Inside Outside in 2005 where her interdisciplinary approach was formed through the wide range of projects she has worked on, many of which connect architecture to interior design and landscape. These projects include the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Rothschild Bank in London, the gardens for Qatar Education City Headquarters and the National Library in Doha. It also included the interior of the Taipei Performing Arts Centre and the landscape master plan competition for the West Kowloon Cultural District (with OMA), for which Aura worked at OMA’s office in Hong Kong for one year.

Since September 2016 she became a partner of Petra Blaisse leading among others an architecture project in Berlin as well as designing art implementations inside a New Generation of Dutch Railways trains.
Since September 2016 she became a partner of Petra Blaisse leading among others an architecture project in Berlin as well as designing art implementations inside a New Generation of Dutch Railways trains.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.