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Antonia Syme

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Director, Australian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne

Antonia Syme is the Director of the Australian Tapestry Workshop (ATW) in Melbourne, Australia. Founded in 1976, the ATW has an international reputation as a world leader in the creation of contemporary hand-woven tapestries. The ATW occupies a unique position within Australia’s artistic landscape as the only workshop of its kind in the country, and one of only a handful in the world. The ATW has produced more than 500 tapestries, many of which can be found in major public institutions, embassies, and private collections in Australia, and around the world.

At the heart of all of ATW’s tapestries is an emphasis on collaboration between the ATW weavers, and living artists, designers, and architects. This process is vital in ensuring creative excellence and cross-disciplinary exchange. All ATW tapestries are woven in-house using the finest Australian wool, dyed onsite, at ATW’s iconic South Melbourne studio by a skilled team of master weavers.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.