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Alessandra Tempesti

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Image courtesy: Alessandra Tempesti

Graduated from the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at the University of Florence, Alessandra Tempesti worked for several years in the Educational Department of the Center of Contemporary Culture Strozzina in Florence. After studying digital textile design, she started working as a curator at the Kunsthalle of Lottozero, an international centre of textile art, design and culture in Prato, in 2016. With her interest in the textile medium in contemporary art, Tempesti’s recent curated exhibitions include a series of site-specific projects at Museion Casa Atelier, in Bolzano (2019) and About ABOUT A WORKER (co-curated with Elena Ianeselli in collaboration with the Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Lottozero Kunsthalle, Prato, 2020).

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.