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Image courtesy: BOLOHO


BOLOHO is a transdisciplinary artist collective based in Guangzhou. Rather than targeting exhibitions and art institutions, their work addresses the undervalued art of everyday practices, such as cooking, gardening, sewing, housework, and child-rearing. The name of the collective comes from a Cantonese romanisation of the Chinese word for ‘jackfruit core’. People often discard the core when eating jackfruit, even though it can be a delicacy in its own right.

Founded in 2019 by BUBU (Liu Jiawen) and CAT (Huang Wanshan), BOLOHO was initially a business venture that provided the two with a respite from work and family life. With later additions including Zhu Jianlin, Li Zhiyong, Fong Waiking and He Cong, BOLOHO has developed into a ‘company’ platform with self-discipline, equality and mutual aid as the core principles. When taking jobs together, members of the collective learn to live and work communally; they also reflect on, discern and solve commonly encountered real-life challenges.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.