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Chen King Yuen Joseph

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Image courtesy: Chen King Yuen Joseph

Chen King Yuen Joseph is an art and cultural organiser and artist based in Hong Kong, currently the Director of Culture at Eaton HK, a purpose-driven hospitality brand where he builds community for artists, changemakers and marginalised groups and creates cultural and creative initiatives to support locals and serve travellers. He is the co-founder of Virtue Village, an art initiative creating and curating art that connects humans to spirituality and intimacy, and navigates the planes of queer subculture, fetish and posthumanism. The works of Virtue Village have been exhibited at the Myth Makers – Spectrosynthesis III, a major LGBTQ+ art exhibition in Tai Kwun.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.