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Saule Bapanova

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Image courtesy: Saule Bapanova

Saule Bapanova was born in 1956 in Kzil-Orda region. In 1976 she finished the Art School of Almaty. In 1981 she was graduated from the Moscow Art and Industrial College.

Since 1981 Alibay Bapanov and Saule Bapanova have been members of the Artists Union of Kazakhstan. They took part in republican, All-Union and international exhibitions. Bapanovs’ works are found in State Museums of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, China, Turkey, Poland, Denmark. Selected works are now in private collections in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Moscow, Russia, Germany, England, France, USA, Liechtenstein etc.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.