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Umida Akhmedova

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Image courtesy: Umida Akhmedova

Umida Akhmedova, a photographer and a filmmaker, was born in 1955 in Tashkent. Since 1980, she has worked as an assistant camera-person in a scientific and documentary films studio in Uzbekistan. In 1986, Akhmedova graduated from the Soviet State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow. After graduation, she started her career as a camerawoman and a filmmaker, and produced dozens of documentary films. Simultaneously, she never parts with her photo camera and often participates in organising different photo exhibitions.

Since 2001, many of Akhmedova’s works have been published in books and photo albums produced in Uzbekistan. In 2007, her first photobook Women and Men from Sunrise to Sunset  was released. Her solo exhibitions were held in Tashkent, Tbilisi in Georgia, Copenhagen in Denmark, Bilbao in Spain, and in various cities across Russia. She participated in Re:visited  at the Riga Art Space (2014), the 5th Moscow Biennale (2013), Tashkent Biennale (2007), and others.  

In 2004, Akhmedova was awarded a Grand Prix in Press Photo Russia under the category ‘Modern Photography of Central Asia’. In 1985, she was awarded a silver medal in the All-Union photo exhibition at VDNKh (Exhibition of the Achievements of National Economy) in Moscow.

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