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Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School

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Image courtesy: Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School

Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School was founded in 1961, locating at 1 Kai Chi Close, Tsuen Wan. It is a whole-day government primary school which is directly managed by the EDB. The school is equipped with facilities such as 30 standardised classrooms, a central school library, music rooms, an art room, a computer room, a general studies room, an English room, a dancing room, a counselling room, resource rooms, a multi-purpose activity room, a hall, a playground and together with audiovisual equipment.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed from 24 February to 4 March for exhibition changeover, and will be reopened on 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you back soon with exciting new exhibitions!