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The Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź

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Image courtesy: The Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź

The Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź (CMT), Poland opened in 1960, and is located in a former textile factory of classicist architecture. The museum presents textiles across a broad spectrum of meanings and ideas, combining the rich history of Łódź’s textile industry with the artistic vision of artists who propagated textile art in the world.

The museum runs exhibitions, educational activities and interdisciplinary research projects. It has an impressive collection of textile art, fashion and objects related to the history of textile industry. Since 1972, CMT has been organising the International Triennial of Tapestry, offering opportunities for artists to showcase their textiles works.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.