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Sun Ge

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Image courtesy: Sun Ge

Sun Ge is a research fellow at the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a distinguished professor at the School of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture of Beijing International Studies University. She received a PhD in Political Science from the Faculty of Law at Tokyo Metropolitan University. She has served as Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Hitotsubashi University, Kyoto University, Ritsumeikan University, University of Washington, University of Heidelberg and Seoul National University.

She specialises in the history of Japanese political thought, which mainly focuses on the epistemological production of post-war Japanese thinkers, and she is committed to transforming the epistemological resources of Japanese thought from a cross-cultural perspective. Therefore, her specific study involves fundamental issues of both Chinese and Japanese intellectual history.

Her major publications of monographs in Chinese in recent years include: Wandering on the Borders (2021); Beyond Desperation and Hope: A Close Reading of Lu Xu’s ‘Wild Grass’ (2020); From to Shanghai: Life on the Border (2020); Asia Moment (2019); History and Man: Rethinking the Question of Universality (2018); China and Japan in the History of Thoughts (2017).

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