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Lee Kai Chung

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Image courtesy: Lee Kai Chung

Lee Kai Chung conducts artistic research on history and historiography, systems and ideology. In his early years, Lee was inspired by the lack of proper governance over public records, so he developed his own archival research methodology as his key artistic practice. Through research, social participation and engagement, Lee’s work reflects upon historical narratives and demonstrates an individual’s transition between politics and art.

Lee received the Altius Fellowship from the Asian Cultural Council in 2020 and the Award for Young Artist (Visual Arts) from Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2018. Recent exhibitions and projects include Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur at Winterthur, Switzerland (2021), Predicament at Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2020), Landskrona Foto at Landskrona (2020), The Deficit Faction at Long March Space, Beijing (2019), Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018 at Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul (2018), 12th Shanghai Biennale: Proregress – Art in an Age of Historical Ambivalence at Power Station of Art, Shanghai (2018) and Artist Making Movement – Asian Art Biennial 2015 at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung (2015).

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.