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Jeon Gisun|Matsuda Motoyoshi

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courtesy: Jeon Gisun|Motoyoshi Matsuda Photo: Taka Otsubo

Gisun/Motoyoshi is a cultural translator and an earthbag builder currently based mainly in Japan. As the director and coordinator of a team he set up in 2015 which consists of cultural translators and editors, he has developed a unique cultural approach through co-organising a wide range of projects addressing lifestyle, community, art, food and craftmanship throughout Asia. Also, as a member of five mutual aid communities, he continues to expand his living design practices through his characteristic architectural and woodworking techniques.

Born and raised as part of a minority called Zainichi (the Japanese term referring to ethnic Koreans born in Japan) in a community of about 600,000 people in Japan, Gisun/Motoyoshi is surrounded by multiple identity crises relating to ethnicity, ethnic education, discrimination, politics and the concept of nation. After coming to the realisation that it is necessary to expand his own consciousness beyond what he was born into to sustain real peace of mind in life, he has been experimenting with various lifestyles to develop relationships between individuals that spontaneously expand regardless of the often ingrained mindset that we are each born into.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.