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Zian Chen

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Image courtesy: Zian Chen

Zian Chen is a curator and the co-editor of Heichi Magazine. In 2016, he contributed several fictional writing pieces to the magazine, including Future Histories: Mark Dion and Arseny ZhilyaevThe Two-Sided Lake: Scenarios, Storyboards and Sets from Liverpool Biennial. He co-edited the Olympic Reveries in 2021, and Arrow Factory: The Last Five Years in 2020. Chen is also the co-curator of Long March Project: Building Code Violations III – Special Economic Zone in 2018, Long March Project: The Deficit Faction in 2019, and Planet Marx Reading Club in 2019.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.